to be. But now he is more manly than ever, and she is more womanly than ever.
Her femininity, growing more dependently supine, becomes contempt- ible. His masculinity, growing more oppressively dominant, becomes intolerable. At last she loathes what she has helped his masculinity to become. At last he loathes what he has helped her femininity to become.
So far it has all been very symmetrical. But we have left one thing out. The world belongs to what his masculinity has become.
The reward for what her femininity has become is only the security which his power can bestow on her. If he were to yield to what her femi- ninity has become, he would be yielding to contemptible incompetance. If she were to acquire what his masculinity has become, she would par- ticipate in intolerable coerciveness.
She is stifling under the triviality of her femininity. The world is groaning beneath the terrors of his masculinity.
He is playing masculine. She is playing feminine. How do we call off the game?"
- not
Like I said previously, I think that is a marvelous piece of writing. Maybe it will only strike those of you with some psychological aware- ness in the same way. Maybe others of you will just think it was a waste of valuable space in the magazine. For those latter I am truly sorry for the wasted space on these pages but for the wasted space in their heads but they will already be too far gone to do much for so I'll not waste further time on them.
Even the most enlightened of you may question why I undertake an FP editorial around this statement even if it is profound. My reason for doing so is that it seems to me that these words pretty clearly describe the reasons why all of us are FPs. True the authors never mentioned the word, may not even know that we exist, but they have described our cause neverthe less. I expect I'd better make clear that "cause" is divis- ible into possiblity factors and precipitating factors.